Worship Service
Worship Service
Worship with us IN-PERSON or ONLINE at 10am on Sunday! To worship with us online, go to Facebook, YouTube or our website, remembrancechurch.org.
Worship with us IN-PERSON or ONLINE at 10am on Sunday! To worship with us online, go to Facebook, YouTube or our website, remembrancechurch.org.
Join us for Communion during our worship service where we will remember Jesus' life, death and resurrection. The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, 24 and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body,which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.” 1 Corinthians 11:23-24
We want your kids to love learning about Jesus! We are committed to creating a fun and safe environment at church where children can connect with the Word of God and have fun! Kids age 3 - 5th Grade can join us upstairs at 10am on Sundays. Parents, please arrive 20 minutes early to check […]
Middle School Students....join us on Sunday evenings as we learn from God's Word and connect with one another. Middle School Students meet from 5:00-6:30pm on Sunday evenings on the lower level. Questions? Email Noah at prins@remembrancechurch.org
Women, you are invited to join us on Tuesday evening, February 13, at 6:30pm for an evening of connection, encouragement in God's love for you, and the opportunity to share God's love with others. Our speaker, Laura DeGroot, will share a message of encouragement with us called, "Holey, Holy, Wholly: How Love Changes Lives." We will also […]
Worship with us IN-PERSON or ONLINE at 10am on Sunday! To worship with us online, go to Facebook, YouTube or our website, remembrancechurch.org.
We want your kids to love learning about Jesus! We are committed to creating a fun and safe environment at church where children can connect with the Word of God and have fun! Kids age 3 - 5th Grade can join us upstairs at 10am on Sundays. Parents, please arrive 20 minutes early to check […]
Middle School Students....join us on Sunday evenings as we learn from God's Word and connect with one another. Middle School Students meet from 5:00-6:30pm on Sunday evenings on the lower level. Questions? Email Noah at prins@remembrancechurch.org
A new sermon series, Theology and the Mission of God, begins on Sunday, January 7. This series will be focused on the study and application of core doctrines of the Christian faith, using a resource published by the Rooted Network. You are invited to follow along with the series by using the Theology and the Mission of God […]
Seniors (age 60+)...join us for brunch on the third Tuesday of each month at 10am at New Beginnings restaurant on Lake Michigan Drive.
Join us for dinner on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month (October - March), prior to Remembrance Kids Ministries. Dinner will be served at 6:00pm with Kids Ministries beginning at 6:30pm. Please sign-up for dinner no later than the Sunday prior to the meal. (Suggested donation: $3 per person) Click HERE to sign-up. […]
Kids age 3-5th Grade....join us on the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of the month (October - March) from 6:30-8:00pm! Wednesday Nights are a time for our kids to connect and have fun! Pre-K kids (age 3-Kindergarten) will get to participate in fun worship, activities and a Bible lesson that goes with a monthly theme. They […]
Men and Women, the Sportsmen’s Dinner is here again! Join us on Friday, February 23 for dinner, door prizes, booths, and a chance to hear from Kevin Feenstra: a Michigan fisherman, USCG Captain and Guide, and owner of Feenstra Guide Service. Click HERE to learn more about about Kevin. Doors will open at 5:30pm with dinner at […]
Worship with us IN-PERSON or ONLINE at 10am on Sunday! To worship with us online, go to Facebook, YouTube or our website, remembrancechurch.org.
We want your kids to love learning about Jesus! We are committed to creating a fun and safe environment at church where children can connect with the Word of God and have fun! Kids age 3 - 5th Grade can join us upstairs at 10am on Sundays. Parents, please arrive 20 minutes early to check […]
Discover Remembrance offers the opportunity to learn more about Remembrance Church and its values, while it connects you with some of our leaders and other regular attenders. This is the first step to finding out if you're interested in membership! Discover Remembrance will meet on Sunday, February 25 at 11:30am-1:30pm and lunch will be served. […]
Middle School Students....join us on Sunday evenings as we learn from God's Word and connect with one another. Middle School Students meet from 5:00-6:30pm on Sunday evenings on the lower level. Questions? Email Noah at prins@remembrancechurch.org